Friday, November 2, 2012


Approach of Homeopathy from My Point Of View

Homeopathic Fundamentals

Homeopathy works on a simple principle – like cures like. If a substance can produce a disease in a healthy body then the same substance can cure that disease from that body. This principle was tested by the practitioners and the public both. It always stood verified.

My aim in this article is not to present a compendium of thoughts, views and contributions by those great homeopaths. My limited effort is to present those aspects of homeopathy which attracted me to it when I compared them to other branches of knowledge e.g. Allopathy and Ayurvedopathy.

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Here again is a small difference. Allopathy compensates the ‘deficiency’ in a body through artificially assembled substances. These are synthetic medicines. Their absorption in the body and hence the idea of compensation becomes unilateral and difficult. In Ayurvedopathy the compensating medicines are natural substances. While compensating the deficiencies they compensate ancillary elements also. The process is more natural and less damaging.

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This premise of homeopathy appears to be very logical and working. As per the pathogen theory – pathogens are present everywhere. Then why only a few people are affected by them. Even in days of epidemics some people are always there who are not affected by that disease. Why it so happens. Why do some pathogens affect only a few people and other pathogens a few other people. Had these pathogens been a cause of disease then they would have caused it to whole of the world because they are everywhere in the world. Why do they fail in causing disease in some people?

To read the complete article, please follow the link

Approach of Homeopathy from My Point Of View

The website:

The Blogs:  


Posted via email from Pratap's posterous

Thursday, November 1, 2012



PS Malik is a website dedicated to a personality PS Malik. A thinker, a philosopher, a psychologist, a lawyer, a scientist, a mathematician, a writer, a poet, a tantric, a ritual – performer, an astrologer or an IT expert – you may call him by the name you choose and you would not be disappointed once you finish your meeting with him. As I found him PS Malik is a perpetuity. He is there in a way that he is not there.

The existence of PS Malik can be best defined by saying that he does not exist. PS Malik is a witnessing. He is not even a witness. May be, that this way of description of a personality is a bit complicated but isn’t it a bit complicated to describe the special theory of relativity, isn’t it a bit complicated to describe the Aðwait philosophy of Veðanta, isn’t it a bit complicated to perform Tantra at night after a day long spell of arguments in Courts. I think I am on a right track of describing PS Malik.

But PS Malik is not as stale and boring as goes my description of him. I may portray his sketch in his poem here:

आशीष छुअन सा कोमल नेह का प्यारा गीत लगे

सुबह चमकती दूब की कोंपल, दोपहरी की छाँव लगे

सिर रखने को काँधा है वो दिल टिकने की ठाँव लगे

स्मित आभा राभा नाभा सबको न्यारा मीत लगे

Once I requested him to tell me how he could appear so perfect and perfected on each occasion. PS Malik simply smiled and whispered:

My daily activities are not unusual, 

I'm just in harmony with them. 

Grasping nothing, discarding nothing, 

In every place there is no hindrance, no conflict . . .

I have requested PS Malik to write the basic pages of this website including About Me, My Perception, Cosmologically, The Existence and the CrossRoads. The remaining pages are written by our group but even those pages have a long shadow of various shades of PS Malik. There are some other areas where we have borrowed something from his resource personality.

Let us begin …

The website: 

The Blogs:

All Articles:

Posted via email from Pratap's posterous

Dr. PS Malik speaks on: WHO AM I?

Who am I?

The question "Who are you?" is one of those fundamental questions that is intimidating and almost unanswerable. It can mean so many different things, depending upon the desire of the person asking. Thus the questioner might be asking:

Please place yourself in the structured schema that I use to describe society and the world around me. In other words, give me a series of tags that I can use to categorize you.

The answer to such a demand needs must depend upon the categories and tags that the questioner recognizes. Fortunately there are a large series of such tags that are commonly and conventionally recognized. Thus the categories of nationality, ethnic origin, gender, occupation, income, place of residence, marital status, hobbies and interests, religion, and political affiliation.

An answer in terms of these tags often suffices to satisfy the questioner because we all of us carry with mental schemas, lists of default assumptions about persons bearing said tags. This is a practical necessity - we cannot know everyone in intimate detail. These assumptions are only defaults; each individual holds its individuality. He is unique.

This form of the question is more of a "What are you?" than a "Who are you?" - that is, it reduces the person to a list of attributes.


There is another meaning that the question might take. It may be asked

... "Who are you?"

You are likely to utter, “I am Ramesh from London.”

"And if you weren't not of London, would you still be Ramesh?" may be the next question.

“Of course…  I ..." Ramesh might have replied.

"And if you were not Ramesh?" the question is likely to be continued "Would you still be you? If you were crippled, or old - if you became a leper, or lost your manhood - who would you be then?"

"I don't know -"

"You know."

An irony in this passage is that Ramesh, at that point, is traveling under a false identity.

The questionnaire presumes one of the great answers to the question of identity, which is that we have an inner essence which defines our self, the various attributes being trappings like the clothes we wear.

For the complete article please visit:

Who am I?

My website:

My Blogs:

Dr. PS Malik speaks on: WHO AM I?

Posted via email from Pratap's posterous