Saturday, December 28, 2013

Imprisoned by Thoughts


Courtesy –
Have you ever realized your thoughts? When you embed your sensations in the words of a language they become thoughts. These sensations are about the world around you hence these thoughts are the gateways for this world to enter YOU. This world intrudes upon you through your thoughts.

Sit comfortably and observe your thoughts. These are either the memory of your past or desires of your future. Thoughts do not exist in present. In the present, only the existence exists. You should understand this thing.
… …
Observe the flow of thoughts. They are always directed outwardly from you. Thoughts drain you out of you. They create a vacuum inside you after you are totally drained out. This vacuum is then filled by the thoughts of the world. When you sit, you find thoughts of office, spouse, children, neighbours, high school camping, strategies to overcome the growth of colleagues and the thoughts of everything. But you are nowhere in your thoughts. Thought are never about you.
… …
Sit and try to regulate the flow of your thoughts. Just try to channelize them. Try to focus your thoughts, say, on your spouse. Soon you find that you have thoughts about everything but of your spouse. Your thoughts slip away from your spouse. Again try to keep your thoughts away a particular object, say, your dog. Soon you realize that the thoughts are again encircle your dog. You try your thoughts to take away from your dog but they come again and again around and about the dog. Thoughts are like untamed beasts. They are not in your control rather you are very much in their control. Therefore your statement that your thoughts are yours is not true. However it may be true to say that you are of your thoughts.
… …
These thoughts are not under your control. They are not of you. These thoughts are not ‘yours’. These thoughts are beyond your power. Rather you are of these thoughts. Moreover, they control you. You are completely filled with these thoughts. You cannot live without thoughts. These thoughts are swaying you in random directions in a random fashion. You are flowing in your thoughts. You are helpless before these thoughts.

These thoughts are not only overshadowing you in your awakened state but they have entered into your sleep also. While with eyes opened, you have hypertension. While trying to close your eyes you have insomnia. Your thoughts have incapacitated you. You want to do but are not able to do. Your thoughts have made you pathetic.

Now you are captive of your thoughts; a prisoner imprisoned in the prison of thoughts.

Get rid of Your Thoughts.
XXXXXXXX                                              XXXXXXXX                                       

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Do Not Typify Seniors of Society

Do Not Typify Seniors of Society

Dr. PS Malik

आमतौर से समाज में बुज़र्गों को बकबक-मशीन, सठियाया हुआ, भड़कने वाला या परिवार का ध्यान ना रखने वाला जैसे नाम दे दिये जाते हैं। अपने होम्योपैथिक शोध के दौरान मैंने पाया कि यह उन बुज़ुर्ग का दोष नहीं है। इसे होम्योपैथी के द्वारा बिना किसी कठिन परिश्रम के बहुत आसानी से किया जा सकता है। प्रस्तुत लेख में ऐसा ही विस्तृत विवरण है।

In daily experience it is seen that people in families and society are typified. Mr. X is a hysteric, he starts exploding over trifles. Mr. Y is loquacious; he stops all and grab their topic; starts lecturing but keeps changing the topic rapidly. Mr. Z has become childish; he is allured for everything like children; never satiates; always demands eatables. And so on so forth.

During the course of my studies in homeopathy I have observed that these are the deductions drawn in a family, a society or a community. Then I tried to obtain a data for such people and find a remedy (certainly Homeopathic) for such people. After their treatment I could observe a lot of change in the habits of such people. I do not claim any final word on this topic because such areas are always developing and are nurtured by forthcoming studies.

Reason for such outcome

Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicines. It does not consider a person and his ailment as two opposite things in one organism; nor does it consider an ailment as an attack from some external pathogen. In homeopathy all ailments are just extension of the personality of an individual.

Moreover, there is no disease in homeopathy. What is known as ailment is just a different mode of ‘transient personality’. This transition from the mean position of an organism, what is known as a disease in allopathy, is restored to normalcy with the help of remedies. These remedies do not work on any single part of an organism rather they affect the ‘Wholeness’ of that individual. Take any homeopathic remedy it would act on all parts of the body including the brain, the sensorium and the mind.

The homeopathic remedies work well on the cognitive faculties of an individual and hence change its appreciation of the surroundings. This makes an individual feel happy or sad or elated or nervous in the same set of external atmosphere. Merely by applying right homeopathic remedy you may change the perception of an individual.

Now we discuss a few personality-categorizations prevalent in the society:


·       In old age people start talking a lot; without having regard to the comfort level of others; anything said in their presence is just grabbed by them; they take the topic start talking on it;
·       Any single word in a story may provoke them to give an entire theory on it. They talk even to the annoyance of those who are nearby

But there is again a minute difference:

·       Those whose loquacity is related to varying subjects, and
·       Those whose loquacity is related to religious topics


A few symptoms of such individuals:
·       Whites of eyes yellow
·       Sensitive to sounds ; rushing and thundering in ears.
·       Pus and blood from nose.
·       Soreness of nostrils and lips.
·       Cannot swallow sweet or acrid things.
·       Much phlegm in fauces, with painful hawking.
·       Troubles come on during sleep, and patient wakes in distress or pain ; cough, asthma or spasm.
·       On waking - vertigo ; dry, hacking cough ; all symptoms worse.
·       Sore throat and great difficulty in swallowing
·       pulse 120, quick and small ; throat sore to touch externally
Give such individuals homeopathic remedy – Lachesis and they will feel relieved. No need to take them asylums or sanatoria.


A few symptoms of such individuals are:
·       Trembling of limbs violent, Laughing
·       Hot cheeks, Blood rushing to face
·       Speech - stammering; difficult and unintelligible; indistinct; has to exert himself a
Give such individuals homeopathic remedy – Stramonium and they will feel relieved.


A few symptoms of such individuals are:
·       Great mental and bodily weakness
·       Falling off of hair; baldness, especially on crown
·       As if mind is absent
·       Imagines he walks on his knees
·       Talkative mania
·       Inclined to make fruitless exertions of memory ; tries to recollect past events
·       Averse to strangers and company
·       Childish and thoughtless behavior
·       Cataract
·       Ulceration of cornea
·       Lids agglutinated
·       Buzzing and ringing in ears
·       Roaring in right ear like the sea, at each inspiration
·       Knotty swellings behind ears
·       Toothache is worse when thinking about it and disappears when mind is diverted.
When such individuals are treated with Baryta Carbonicum the results are miraculous. These individuals are completely restored to normalcy.


A few symptoms of such individuals are:
·       Indifferent to the loved ones; Aversion to occupation, to family, friends etc.
·       Very Irritable; easily offended, Dreads to be alone
·       Very sad, Weeps when telling his condition. Miserly, Anxious toward evening; indolent and lazy
·       Heavy flow of ideas ; inability for mental activity ; it is an exertion to think
·       Felt all day as if he did not care what happened ; no desire to work, inattentive, absent-minded
·       Language comes very slowly, has to drag out the words to express ideas ; forget the
·       Dread of being alone
·       Migraine after catching least cold
·       Redness of eyelids, with styes
·       Toothache- drawing in upper molars
·       All teeth painful, particularly in hollow molar,
When such individuals are treated with Sepia Officinale, their personality becomes very assimilative.


A few symptoms of such individuals are:
·       Mood is Changeable; it changes all of a sudden like a hysteria;
·       After shocks, grief, disappointment they become introspective; silently brooding, tearful, Not communicative, Sighing and sobbing.
·       Feels hollow, heavy; worse on stooping; Headache as if a nail were driven out through the side; Cramp-like pain over root of nose; Congestive headaches following anger or grief; worse, smoking or smelling tobacco, inclines head forward.
·       very weak ; staggering walk ; walks carefully ; increased stool and urine
·       Difficult comprehension ; mental dulness ; mental effort is irksome
·       Desire to be alone
·       Inclined to be very secretive and passive
·       Constipation
·       sensitive mood, delicate conscientiousness
·       Slight blame or contradiction excites him to anger, and this makes him angry with himself
·       tingling as of ants ; jerking ; heaviness of right arm, which had been paralyzed
·       Pains come on about 9 A. M., generally stopping at 2 P. M.
·       Face distorted, deathly pale and sunken
·       Jaws feel as if crushed
·       Sour taste in mouth ; with sour eructations ; saliva tastes sour
To such individuals give a few doses of Ignatia and just see the sea changes in the personality.


These are only a few illustrations. There is nothing in the so-called old ages which can be a hindrance in living a normal life and that too apace the society. The only requirement is to loosen the limitation of our awareness and live rhythmically with nature. Homeopathy helps you.


It is an injustice to typify our seniors (senior citizens) and segregate them as untouchables. Homeopathy is a way out. It helps those seniors to restore to those physical, mental and emotional planes which they explored in their energetic eras.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

दिल्ली चुनाव 2013: अमूर्त मुख भाजपा

दिल्ली चुनाव 2013:  अमूर्त मुख भाजपा

PS Malik

पाँच राज्यों के चुनाव हुए। नतीजे आए। उनकी घोषणाएँ हुईं। अब आगे सरकारों का गठन होगा। सब सामान्य लगता है। राजनीतिक विश्लेषक अपने अपने विश्लेषणों में जुट गए।
परन्तु दिल्ली में कुछ अलग हुआ; कुछ विचित्र हुआ। इसे दो रूपों में देख सकते हैं। पहला तो एक नई राजनीतिक ताकत के रूप में केजरीवाल का उदय है। केजरीवाल का इसलिये कि अपने गठन और उसके बाद के काल में यह आन्दोलन जो पहले अन्ना की छाया में खड़ा हुआ था बाद में केजरीवाल की परछाईं के रूप में बड़ा हुआ है। आप नाम की राजनीतिक पार्टी केजरीवाल की परछाईं ही है। यह केजरीवाल का ही निर्वैयक्तिक विस्तार है जिसमें कुछ अन्य चेहरे टाँके गए नजर आते हैं।

दिल्ली के चुनावों की दूसरी विस्मयकारी घटना है – भाजपा की विजय। मदन लाल खुराना और साहिब सिंह वर्मा के वक्तों से लेकर दिल्ली भाजपा अपना कोई चेहरा ही नहीं बना पाई है। बल्कि पिछले कुछ समय से तो जिन चेहरों को दिल्ली भाजपा के सिंहासन पर बिठाया गया वे उसके सिर के ताज नहीं बन पाए सिर के बोझ जरूर बन गये थे। भाजपा को उन्हें खुद ही सिंहासन से दूर करना पड़ा। इस चुनाव 2013 में भी जनता ने उन चेहरों को नकार दिया। नतीजों में कहीं निचला क्रम ही उन चेहरों को मिल पाया।

जिन चेहरों को आगे करके इन चुनावों में दिल्ली भाजपा जनमत पाने को आई वे भी बहुत सकारात्मक नहीं थे। चमत्कारिक तो बिल्कुल नहीं थे जैसे कि केजरीवाल रहे और आप नाम की राजनीतिक पार्टी के रूप में उनका निर्वैयक्तिक विस्तार रहा। तो फिर भाजपा दिल्ली में चुनाव जीती क्यों?

चुनाव के तत्काल बाद मैं कई लोगों से मिला और जाना की उन्होंने किसे मत दिया और क्यों दिया। अनेक मतदाताओं ने बताया कि उन्होंने भाजपा को वोट दिया है। परन्तु अनेक मतदाता तो अपने निर्वाचन क्षेत्र के भाजपा प्रत्याशी का नाम भी नहीं जानते थे। उन्होंने भाजपा को वोट दिया था। इन चुनावों से पहले दिल्ली भाजपा का कोई जनआन्दोलन तो याद नहीं आता है। तब इस भाजपा वोट का आधार क्या था?

इसका उत्तर है – नरेन्द्र मोदी। चुनाव पूर्व में भाजपा का एक ही आन्दोलन याद आता है – नरेन्द्र मोदी। शायद पूरे देश के मतदाता को नरेन्द्र मोदी के रूप में एक नायक मिला है। उसी नायक की परछाईं जब दिल्ली पर पड़ी तो वह दिल्ली की गद्दी बन कर अवतरित हुई। दिल्ली की गद्दी दिल्ली भाजपा की कमाई नहीं है बल्कि मोदी की परछाईं का मूर्तिमान रूप है। ठीक वैसे ही जैसे कि आप नाम की राजनीतिक पार्टी की सीटें केजरीवाल की परछाईं का मूर्तिमान रूप है। इस प्रकार चुनाव 2013 दो व्यक्तित्वों का अभ्युदय है भारतीय कैनवस पर मोदी और दिल्ली के फ़लक पर केजरीवाल। दिल्ली में भाजपा लगभग बिना चेहरे मोहरे वाली सी है।

यह बिना चेहरे वाली दिल्ली भाजपा दिल्ली की गद्दी को प्राप्त को कर रही है पर इसका निर्वाह कैसे करेगी यह मूल प्रश्न है। अगर यह दिल्ली भाजपा जल्द ही एक सुन्दर जनग्राह्य रूप धारण नहीं करती है तो मोदी नामक जनआन्दोलन को नुकसान पहुँचा सकती है।

यह अमूर्त मुख भाजपा निकट भविष्य में दिल्ली में क्या करती है, कैसा रूप धरती है – इसकी प्रतीक्षा मोदी, केजरीवाल और दिल्ली के मतदाता सबको रहने वाली है।

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Please uphold the law; Don’t violate it

Please uphold the law; Don’t violate it

SC intern matter

The law on procedure is given in section 354 CrPC. It states whenever there is a commission of a cognizable offence its FIR shall immediately be lodged by the Officer In Charge of a Police Station. He is to investigate the offence and is to file a Charge-sheet before a Magistrate under section 173 CrPC.
In State of Haryana Vs. Ch. Bhajan Lal 1992 Supp. (1) SCC 335 the Supreme Court of India has laid down the law that any other procedure is illegal. Earlier police used to defer lodging an FIR and undertake some preliminary inquiry to ascertain if the offence was in fact committed. Supreme Court said, “No, this was a wrong procedure. Police was to lodge an FIR and then undertake investigation.” In relation to a cognizable offence, none has the power of investigation or inquiry before registration of an FIR. If any inquiry is to be carried on it would be done before a magistrate under section 200 CrPC.
Even after this direction by the Supreme Court various agencies used to commit a breach of the law and registration of FIRs were illegally deferred and delayed. Then a Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court undertook the matter in Lalita Kumari Vs. Govt. of UP in SLP (Crl.) 5986/2006 & 5200/2009 and scrutinized the entire law. In its judgment on 12 Nov. 2013 it again affirmed the position of law as it was laid down in State of Haryana Vs. Ch. Bhajan Lal 1992 Supp. (1) SCC 335   .
The Supreme Court deprecated any accused centred process leading to deviation from the established procedure. None else other than a local police officer is collect evidence. All proceedings are to be reported to in the court of a local magistrate. The procedure and the offence is not to be diluted against influential people.
If it is so then why a retired judge Justice AK Ganguly is allowed to evade the procedure and the substance of law. If the alleged actions of Justice Ganguly are sufficient to attract the provisions of a cognizable offence then why the agencies other than the local police are seized in of the matter. Why the victim is not allowed to approach the police and the magistrate so that the law may be set in motion.
Why the law laid down by the Supreme Court is being defeated?

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Understanding Women by her Hidden Language

There’s a saying that if you’ve been going out awhile, you can walk into a room and in as little as 60 seconds tell who is interested in you and who isn`t. If you want to learn how to attract women, this is a valuable skill. Ask around, talk to those who hang out at the clubs, you’ll see -- other singles will verify that after you have gone out for awhile you automatically start to pick up on this. They can never seem to explain how they know all this exactly (though they’re sure to have a story or two to tell you), but they just know.
Your Subconscious Reveals When And How To Attract Women - Pay Attention  
What happens is that after much experience, your subconscious begins cataloguing all the clues that automatically ring a bell and say, "This person is interested."
Read this statement given by one expert, who quotes a female with experience in this area:
One woman I know has been in the singles game for years [and] really knows how to operate. [She] tells me that she can be at a dance and get anyone [she wants] to dance with her. She seems to think she does it with ESP. She says, "I just look at them and think ‘come over and ask me to dance’" and they always do! She has taught some other girls the little secrets and they found it works, too. I personally feel, however, that it has nothing to do with thought transference or E.S.P. She and they are letting them know unconsciously by outside body language and their eyes.”


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

R Maidens Kasauli simply pathetic

R Maidens Kasauli simply pathetic

On 13th October 2013 we three friends had to go to Kasauli. Falling prey to some bad time one of us decided to chose R Maidens for an overnight stay. It proved simply terrible an experience.
It was Just a maha raddi hotel. We Stayed in Room No. 220. All the Rooms were overpriced. Toilets and bathrooms were stinking. There was no cleanliness inside them. Water availability was terrible. If you call them 8 times they provide only 2 buckets of water. To complete baths of 3 people in the room we had to make 19 calls to the reception demanding water. Taste of food and Tea served here was simply intolerable. If you make a mistake to order a meal here then 90% chances are that you leave it unfinished.
If you have to choose this hotel then better to take a sheet and pillow from your house otherwise you will not be able to sleep on those foul smelling provided by this hotel.
In the morning of 14 Oct. 2013 we unfortunately ordered sandwiches with tea. The sauce bottle had multiple outlets in its body and all of them were covered beneath the dried sauce. As soon as it was pressed two of us got our cloths painted in the sauce.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Imprisoned by Thoughts

Imprisoned by Thoughts

 with courtesy from 
Have you ever realized your thoughts? When you embed your sensations in the words of a language they become thoughts. These sensations are about the world around you hence these thoughts are the gateways for this world to enter YOU. This world intrudes upon you through your thoughts.

Sit comfortably and observe your thoughts. These are either the memory of your past or desires of your future. Thoughts do not exist in present. In the present, only the existence exists. You should understand this thing.

Memories are the recollection of your that past, which is already dead in time. The future has not taken birth so far. Your desire to become rich or attain some goal in future is only a speculation. The future is unseen. And hence it may or may not be according to your thinking. It is your own experience that nature usually does not repeat itself. It is not going to repeat in future also. By concentrating on your future you are spending your time for something which is not going to happen.

Therefore neither your past nor your future is alive. The alive entity is You. You are alive here and now. Your thoughts are about everything but not about ‘here and now’. The existence of your thoughts does not coincide with your existence. Thoughts are dragging you to a dead end; to an end which is not alive.

Observe the flow of thoughts. They are always directed outwardly from you. Thoughts drain you out of you. They create a vacuum inside you after you are totally drained out. This vacuum is then filled by the thoughts of the world. When you sit, you find thoughts of office, spouse, children, neighbours, high school camping, strategies to overcome the growth of colleagues and the thoughts of everything. But you are nowhere in your thoughts. Thought are never about you.

When you remember your past days or make plans of your promotion etc. a number of people understand that they are thinking about themselves. But this is an illusion only.

You are a living being. There are two ways to know yourself. One way is to know about you, as others do. They know you through your name, parentage, education, address, family, religion, sex, caste and several other informations about you. The second way is to know of you (not knowing about you). This is the subjective way to know of you. You know of you because of your very existence of you and not through the information provided by others.

When you think or plan a strategy about your promotion, you act on the basis of informations about you and the post and the person who is vacating that post and also the informations about other competitors in the race. All information here is only objective. You put yourself amidst the information and weigh the probability of promotion, in the same way as you are putting others in those informations. Through this thought process you reduce your being to a mathematical problem and solution. Your thoughts make you do all this. Now it is that mathematical problem in your thoughts which you mistakenly assume as being yourself. It is not you in your thoughts but it is that mathematical problem which you are mistakenly identifying as you. Thoughts are never about you.

Thoughts need not to be about you. The reason is simple. You are present now and here. You are in existence now and here. There is no need for the thoughts being about you. Thoughts are about the perceptible objects. You are not a perceptible object for you. You are the perceiver. You do not perceive about you. You need not seek any evidence of your existence. You know your existence without any proof; because you are you; because it is you who exists. This existence is yours.

Now again reappraise these thoughts. You occasionally boast of your thoughts. Some people praise you because of your thoughts. Some argue that your thoughts should be chaste and serene. But no one bothers to know if these thoughts are yours. If you say that these are your thoughts then this is a new illusion. You test it yourself if you can command your thoughts.

Sit and try to regulate the flow of your thoughts. Just try to channelize them. Try to focus your thoughts, say, on your spouse. Soon you find that you have thoughts about everything but of your spouse. Your thoughts slip away from your spouse. Again try to keep your thoughts away a particular object, say, your dog. Soon you realize that the thoughts are again encircle your dog. You try your thoughts to take away from your dog but they come again and again around and about the dog. Thoughts are like untamed beasts. They are not in your control rather you are very much in their control. Therefore your statement that your thoughts are yours is not true. However it may be true to say that you are of your thoughts.

You have unveiled your thoughts to some extent (sufficient for the purpose of this article). Your thoughts originate from perceptible objects, they oust you of you; they fill inside you the garbage of dead past and unborn future; your thoughts do not belong to you and they are not of you (don’t confuse by “of you” for “about you”); your thoughts are like un-tethered horses without any of your control over them. All your thoughts are random, flowing and turbulent.
These thoughts are not under your control. They are not of you. These thoughts are not ‘yours’. These thoughts are beyond your power. Rather you are of these thoughts. Moreover, they control you. You are completely filled with these thoughts. You cannot live without thoughts. These thoughts are swaying you in random directions in a random fashion. You are flowing in your thoughts. You are helpless before these thoughts.

These thoughts are not only overshadowing you in your awakened state but they have entered your sleep also. While with eyes opened, you have hypertension. While trying to close your eyes you have insomnia. Your thoughts have incapacitated you. You want to do but are not able to do. Your thoughts have made you pathetic.

Now you are captive of your thoughts; a prisoner imprisoned in the prison of thoughts.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Stress is an Opportunity

 One has to become more accepting of all the ups and downs in life. There is a rhythm: sometimes you feel that you are in tune, sometimes you feel that you are not in tune; that is all natural. It is like day and night, summer and winter. One has to learn the shadow part of everything. If you cannot accept the shadow part you become unnecessarily disturbed, and that disturbance will make things more complicated.
When something beautiful happens, accept it, feel grateful; when it doesn’t happen, accept that too and continue to feel grateful, knowing that this is just a resting period. For the whole day you have worked, and in the night you fall asleep - you don’t feel miserable because you are not able to work and earn money and do a thousand and one things, and there are so many things to do. You don’t worry about it!
There are people who start worrying. Then they start losing sleep. They are not benefited by it. The person who has not been able to sleep in the night feels exhausted in the morning. Next day he feels more tired than he was at previous night. The person who forgets the whole day and accepts night as a rest, and goes into deep relaxation, will be able to live again in the morning with new eyes and new being. He will be able to accept the new day and welcome it. He will be glad to breathe the air again and to see the sun and people.
Remember always that everything needs its rest period. It is to regain one’s self energy. This rest period is not against the nature nor against the activity, the rest period gives it liveliness, vitality.
Some psychologists have worked on only one problem—stress. And they came to some very profound conclusions. One is that stress is not always wrong. It can be used in meaningful ways. It is not necessarily always negative. Thinking stress as negative is always negative. If it is supposed to be bad then we create problems. Stress in itself can be used as a stepping stone; then in that case it becomes a creative force. But ordinarily we have been taught that stress is bad. So whenever you have any stress you become afraid. And your fear makes it even more stressful. The situation is not helped by it.
For example, there is some situation in the economy and that is creating stress. The moment you think that there is some tension or stress you become afraid. You make effort that this should not be so, and that "I have to relax." Now, trying to relax will not help, because you cannot relax; it will not allow you to relax. For “relaxing” you are making effort. A contradiction is created by you. In fact, trying to relax will create a new kind of stress. The stress is there and you are trying to relax and you cannot, so you are complicating the problem.
When stress is there, use it as creative energy. First, acknowledge it; there is no need to fight with it. Accept it, it is perfectly okay. Stress is simply an indication that the body is getting ready to fight with the situation. Now you try to relax or you take painkillers or you take tranquilizers; you are going against the body.
The body is getting ready to fight a certain situation, a certain challenge that is there before you. The body is accumulating its energy and spirit necessary to fight. You are making body not to accumulate. Something is wrong in your action.
Enjoy the challenge! Even if sometimes you can’t sleep in the night there is no need to be worried. Work it out, use the energy that is coming up: walk up and down, go for a run, and go for a long walk. Plan what you want to do, what the mind wants to do. Rather than trying to go to sleep, which is not possible, use the situation in a creative way. It simply says that the body is ready to fight with a problem; this is not a time to relax. You may relax later on.
In fact if you have lived your stress totally you will come to relaxation automatically; you can go on only so far, then the body automatically relaxes. If you want to relax in the middle you create trouble; the body cannot relax in the middle. It is almost as if an Olympic runner is getting ready, just waiting for the starting gun, the signal, and he will be off, he will go like the wind. He is full of stress; now that is no time to relax. If he takes a tranquilizer he will never be of any use in the race. He has to use his stress. The stress is boiling, it is gathering energy. He is becoming more and more vital and full of potential. Now he has to sit on this stress and use it as energy, as fuel.
So try this too: when there is a stressful situation don’t become afraid of it. Go into it, use it to fight with. A human being has tremendous energy, and the more you use it, the more you have of it. When it comes and there is a situation, fight - do all that you can do, really go madly into it. Allow it, accept it and welcome it. It is good, it prepares you to fight. And when you have worked it out, you will be surprised: great relaxation comes, and that relaxation is not created by you. Maybe for two or three days you cannot sleep and then for forty-eight hours you can’t wake up, and that is okay!
We go on carrying many wrong notions - for example, that every person has to sleep eight hours every day. It depends what the situation is. There are situations when no sleep is needed: your house is on fire, and you are trying to sleep. Now that is not possible and that should not be possible, otherwise who is going to put that fire out? And when the house is on fire, all other things are put aside; suddenly your body is ready to fight the fire. You will not feel sleepy. When the fire is gone and everything settled you may fall asleep for a long period, and that will do.
Everybody does not need the same length of sleep either. A few people can do with three hours, two hours, four hours, five hours; others need six, eight, ten, twelve. People differ, there is no norm. And about stress also people differ.
There are two kinds of people in the world: One can be called the hare type and the other is the turtle type. If the hare type is not allowed to go fast, to go into things with speed, there will be stress; he has to be given his pace. So if you are a hare, forget about relaxation and things like that; they are not for you. Those are for turtles! Just be a hare if that is natural to you, and don’t think of the joys that turtles are enjoying; that is not for you. You have a different kind of joy. If a turtle starts becoming a hare he will be in the same trouble!
 So accept your nature. If you are a fighter, a warrior, you have to be that way and that’s your joy. Now, no need to be afraid; accept it unconditionally. Compete in the marketplace, do all that you really want to do. Don’t be afraid of the consequences and accept the stress. One has to understand one’s type. Once the type is understood there is no problem; then one can follow a clean-cut line.
About this article:
This article is about how the stress can be harnessed as a creative force to achieve objectives. The stress is full of potential.
Key words:
become more accepting of all the ups and downs, stress, unnecessarily disturbed, start losing sleep, everything needs its rest period, it becomes a creative force, full of stress, more vital and full of potential, accept it unconditionally,