Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A Research on Domestic Violence Act

A Research on Domestic Violence Act  

In a live society there are always conflicting interests. More live a society is more conflicting the relations amongst its members would be. The logic is simple. The society is going to attain a new destination and the positions of the members inter alia (amongst them) would also be redefined and future gains of the members would depend on their new positions. According to this logic each constituent of a society is always in a conflicting mode with others. This conflict is merely a conflict of interests and it does not mean an enmity.

Independent Indian society has witnessed a lot of similar conflicts of interests. One such area of conflicts has been the home of this society. The basic structure of the ‘Home’ has also seen a shift in its appearance. An Indian home was basically conceived on The Principle of Division of Labor.

Traditionally the husband was given a duty to provide the resources from outside and the wife was supposed to ‘Build a Home’ with those resources. It was a home in which the next generation was nurtured ‘Homely’ by the wife in the capacity of a mother. Husband, now father was to show torch to that ‘Next Generation’ after it had attained a particular level of maturity, which sometimes varied or on other times lost its very peculiarities.

With the spread of western education a new value system was inculcated in the Indian society. Women started coming out of the ‘Home’ and earning in equality with men. The age-old ‘Labor – Division’ of Indian Home was thwarted. It is not the objective here to count the merits or demerits of such a new value system but what it did, certainly it blurred the traditional roles of men and women in the society and also in the ‘Home’.

Now both men and women started working in the same sphere and with an axiom of political equality their relations were soon started being regulated under the shadow of State Authority i.e. the Law. Laws were legislated and implemented. Men alleged that these laws placed them at an adverse position while women claimed that they were socio-historically placed adversely in the traditional ‘Marriage System’ and the laws just tried to emancipate them from that adversity.

And the debates went on. They still keep going on. One side leads one argument and the other not only counters it but further leads a more weighty argument.

To resolve a dispute, the best way is to involve all those who are affected by that dispute. As without their affirmative involvement and contribution it will always be difficult to approach a solution suitable to everyone’s need and expectations. That’s why this research was conceived about Women in general, contend that they have been adversely placed in socio-historic set up and now they need special legal protection to come to level of equality with men. On the other hand men say that if women argue for an equal status then they should not be equipped with “Legal Biases” against men. They contend that they are being plundered in a “Legal Disguise”.

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Please express your views by answering the questionnaires

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Shreyas Malik

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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

PS Malik speaks on: WHO AM I?

Who am I?

The question "Who are you?" is one of those fundamental questions that is intimidating and almost unanswerable. It can mean so many different things, depending upon the desire of the person asking. Thus the questioner might be asking:

Please place yourself in the structured schema that I use to describe society and the world around me. In other words, give me a series of tags that I can use to categorize you.

 The answer to such a demand needs must depend upon the categories and tags that the questioner recognizes. Fortunately there are a large series of such tags that are commonly and conventionally recognized. Thus the categories of nationality, ethnic origin, gender, occupation, income, place of residence, marital status, hobbies and interests, religion, and political affiliation.

An answer in terms of these tags often suffices to satisfy the questioner because we all of us carry with mental schemas, lists of default assumptions about persons bearing said tags. This is a practical necessity - we cannot know everyone in intimate detail. These assumptions are only defaults; each individual holds its individuality. He is unique.

This form of the question is more of a "What are you?" than a "Who are you?" - that is, it reduces the person to a list of attributes.



There is another meaning that the question might take. It may be asked

... "Who are you?"

You are likely to utter, “I am Ramesh from London.”

"And if you weren't not of London, would you still be Ramesh?" may be the next question.

“Of course…  I ..." Ramesh might have replied.

"And if you were not Ramesh?" the question is likely to be continued "Would you still be you? If you were crippled, or old - if you became a leper, or lost your manhood - who would you be then?"

"I don't know -"

"You know."

An irony in this passage is that Ramesh, at that point, is traveling under a false identity.

The questionnaire presumes one of the great answers to the question of identity, which is that we have an inner essence which defines our self, the various attributes being trappings like the clothes we wear.


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Who am I?

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PS Malik speaks on: WHO AM I?

Shreyas Malik

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Posted via email from Pratap's posterous

Monday, December 28, 2009

PS Malik speaks on: Who is the Biggest - Me, My Mind or My God?

Who is the biggest Me, My Mind or My God?

This is a question you generally ask. You want to know the hierarchy; you want to know your position in the hierarchy so that you become satisfied. Others also ask it. They ask because they are not satisfied with what they know about it. They want to remove their dissatisfaction. They are dissatisfied with them and their information about their place. They have disturbance in them; in their minds. They invoke God just to inflate their status. God is merely an excuse. They want to give credence to their disturbance. They want either to repel the inconvenient part of their knowledge or they want a support to the convenient portion of their fumbling knowledge. But they want to know.

A good number of you claim that they know that they are an atman – a soul. They know that there is a God. They know that the God is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. They learnt doctrines. On any availability of a chance you can speak a lot about you, your atman, your mind and your God. More learned you are more equipped you are to tell about you, your atman, your God and other related things and ideas.

On the other hand some of you know that you are a physical body; well proportionate mixture of chemicals which in their particular proportion create a sensation of self perception. You know hundreds of books on this aspect and further thousands of articles telling about the cosmological theories of celestial bodies. You claim to know the permutation of the celestial bodies, gravitational pull among them, conversion of celestial dust into white dwarf stars or the supernova via the state of being a star. You have theories in support of each of your arguments.

There are some others amongst you who are well indoctrinated about amino acids, developmental chronology of organic process on the planet earth, chromosomes, genes and a scores of concepts which were written by their predecessor colleagues in library books.

You know yourself either as a spirit i.e. atman or you know yourself as a physical body. Some of you might be knowing yourself as a combination of both of the atman and the body. Some others of you would be knowing yourself as a psychosomatic entity. Still some more among are possible who would be knowing yourself in some other ways, other permutations or combinations. Whatever form of yourself you know is an information based knowledge; a knowledge of yourself. You have a knowledge of yourself as you have the knowledge of parks in your locality, as you have the knowledge of rivers in a particular state or the knowledge of human skeleton as given in the books of biology. Your this knowledge flows from the information you receive. You know a fact on the basis of an information as it is made available to you. Please take notice that you know these facts of information as these are made available to you. You have not generated this knowledge. You have merely received an information from those to whom you appreciate and respect for their knowledge. But their knowledge is again a bundle of informations as it was yours. The only difference is the number of sticks in that bundle; the number of informations in that knowledge.

For complete article please visit:

Who is the biggest Me, My Mind or My God?

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PS Malik speaks on: Who is the Biggest – Me, My Mind or My God?

Shreyas Malik

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PS Malik speaks on: Sex and Meditation are two alternative ways to begin with .

Sex and Meditation are two alternative ways to begin with …

People come and ask me if sex is a taboo to attain awakening. And I always explain them that awakening and sex are two different stages. Awakening is a state of existence and sex may be used as a means to attain that state of existence. Sex is like a jungle. It allures people with its flowers; its fragrances; its fruits. But it offers a risk also. The risk of being lost inside it is there; and hence, mostly people have a fear of being lost in this jungle of flowers, fragrances and fruits. I ask my pupil that the journey for bliss cannot start with a fear. You start it with fearlessness. Do not be scared of sex. It is not scary. It is merely alluring; alluring to take you astray so long as you are not aware of the sex itself.


The basis of all sins is your ignorance. You are ignorant of sex and you have made it a sin; a taboo. You are ignorant of awakening and you have made it a ritual; a penance. You are ignorant of meditation and you have made it a mystical practice; an esoteric formula. When you enter meditation; when you start entering it you find that it was not so complicated as it was described by the experts.

Experts always make the things incomprehensible. They put simple things with such a great extensions of “ifs” and “buts” that a common person cannot understand it. The same has happened to both of the sex and the meditation. Both are very simple but Pundits have made them burdensome.

Sex is one of the natural tendencies of the body. Restraining it is unnatural. There are those who say avoid sex. They teach their lesson plans to people and the people find it difficult. On the other hand are those who preach to enjoy it like an animal. They induce you to the limits of pornographic domain to earn their monetary benefits. A common man finds himself in a fix. The first approach restrains you of your natural requirements and the second one drains you of your money, your self and the all.

I have shown my children, my pupils that a third option is also there. Both of the aforesaid groups mislead you only because of your ignorance. My point is – Just Be Awakened. Stop sleeping in a sleep of ignorance. Gurus, professionals, pornographers could mislead you only because you were not awakened – neither about the sex nor about the meditation.

For complete article please visit:

Sex and Meditation are two alternative ways to begin with …

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Shreyas Malik

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Posted via email from Pratap's posterous

Monday, December 21, 2009

PS Malik speaks on: Who is the Biggest - Me, My Mind or My God?

Who is the biggest Me, My Mind or My God?

This is a question you generally ask. You want to know the hierarchy; you want to know your position in the hierarchy so that you become satisfied. Others also ask it. They ask because they are not satisfied with what they know about it. They want to remove their dissatisfaction. They are dissatisfied with them and their information about their place. They have disturbance in them; in their minds. They invoke God just to inflate their status. God is merely an excuse. They want to give credence to their disturbance. They want either to repel the inconvenient part of their knowledge or they want a support to the convenient portion of their fumbling knowledge. But they want to know.

A good number of you claim that they know that they are an atman – a soul. They know that there is a God. They know that the God is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. They learnt doctrines. On any availability of a chance you can speak a lot about you, your atman, your mind and your God. More learned you are more equipped you are to tell about you, your atman, your God and other related things and ideas.

On the other hand some of you know that you are a physical body; well proportionate mixture of chemicals which in their particular proportion create a sensation of self perception. You know hundreds of books on this aspect and further thousands of articles telling about the cosmological theories of celestial bodies. You claim to know the permutation of the celestial bodies, gravitational pull among them, conversion of celestial dust into white dwarf stars or the supernova via the state of being a star. You have theories in support of each of your arguments.

There are some others amongst you who are well indoctrinated about amino acids, developmental chronology of organic process on the planet earth, chromosomes, genes and a scores of concepts which were written by their predecessor colleagues in library books.

You know yourself either as a spirit i.e. atman or you know yourself as a physical body. Some of you might be knowing yourself as a combination of both of the atman and the body. Some others of you would be knowing yourself as a psychosomatic entity. Still some more among are possible who would be knowing yourself in some other ways, other permutations or combinations. Whatever form of yourself you know is an information based knowledge; a knowledge of yourself. You have a knowledge of yourself as you have the knowledge of parks in your locality, as you have the knowledge of rivers in a particular state or the knowledge of human skeleton as given in the books of biology. Your this knowledge flows from the information you receive. You know a fact on the basis of an information as it is made available to you. Please take notice that you know these facts of information as these are made available to you. You have not generated this knowledge. You have merely received an information from those to whom you appreciate and respect for their knowledge. But their knowledge is again a bundle of informations as it was yours. The only difference is the number of sticks in that bundle; the number of informations in that knowledge.

For complete article please visit:

Who is the biggest Me, My Mind or My God?

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PS Malik speaks on: Who is the Biggest – Me, My Mind or My God?

Shreyas Malik

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PS Malik is a website dedicated to a personality PS Malik. A thinker, a philosopher, a psychologist, a lawyer, a scientist, a mathematician, a writer, a poet, a tantric, a ritual – performer, an astrologer or an IT expert – you may call him by the name you choose and you would not be disappointed once you finish your meeting with him. As I found him PS Malik is a perpetuity. He is there in a way that he is not there.

The existence of PS Malik can be best defined by saying that he does not exist. PS Malik is a witnessing. He is not even a witness. May be, that this way of description of a personality is a bit complicated but isn’t it a bit complicated to describe the special theory of relativity, isn’t it a bit complicated to describe the Aðwait philosophy of Veðanta, isn’t it a bit complicated to perform Tantra at night after a day long spell of arguments in Courts. I think I am on a right track of describing PS Malik.

But PS Malik is not as stale and boring as goes my description of him. I may portray his sketch in his poem here:

आशीष छुअन सा कोमल नेह का प्यारा गीत लगे

सुबह चमकती दूब की कोंपल, दोपहरी की छाँव लगे

सिर रखने को काँधा है वो दिल टिकने की ठाँव लगे

स्मित आभा राभा नाभा सबको न्यारा मीत लगे

Once I requested him to tell me how he could appear so perfect and perfected on each occasion. PS Malik simply smiled and whispered:

My daily activities are not unusual, 

I'm just in harmony with them. 

Grasping nothing, discarding nothing, 

In every place there is no hindrance, no conflict . . .

I have requested PS Malik to write the basic pages of this website including About Me, My Perception, Cosmologically, The Existence and the CrossRoads. The remaining pages are written by our group but even those pages have a long shadow of various shades of PS Malik. There are some other areas where we have borrowed something from his resource personality.

Let us begin …

The website:

The Blogs:

All Articles:

Shreyas Malik

My Website is

My Blogs are at Blogs

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Posted via email from Pratap's posterous

Sunday, December 20, 2009



PS Malik is a website dedicated to a personality PS Malik. A thinker, a philosopher, a psychologist, a lawyer, a scientist, a mathematician, a writer, a poet, a tantric, a ritual – performer, an astrologer or an IT expert – you may call him by the name you choose and you would not be disappointed once you finish your meeting with him. As I found him PS Malik is a perpetuity. He is there in a way that he is not there.

The existence of PS Malik can be best defined by saying that he does not exist. PS Malik is a witnessing. He is not even a witness. May be, that this way of description of a personality is a bit complicated but isn’t it a bit complicated to describe the special theory of relativity, isn’t it a bit complicated to describe the Aðwait philosophy of Veðanta, isn’t it a bit complicated to perform Tantra at night after a day long spell of arguments in Courts. I think I am on a right track of describing PS Malik.

But PS Malik is not as stale and boring as goes my description of him. I may portray his sketch in his poem here:

आशीष छुअन सा कोमल नेह का प्यारा गीत लगे

सुबह चमकती दूब की कोंपल, दोपहरी की छाँव लगे

सिर रखने को काँधा है वो दिल टिकने की ठाँव लगे

स्मित आभा राभा नाभा सबको न्यारा मीत लगे

Once I requested him to tell me how he could appear so perfect and perfected on each occasion. PS Malik simply smiled and whispered:

My daily activities are not unusual, 

I'm just in harmony with them. 

Grasping nothing, discarding nothing, 

In every place there is no hindrance, no conflict . . .

I have requested PS Malik to write the basic pages of this website including About Me, My Perception, Cosmologically, The Existence and the CrossRoads. The remaining pages are written by our group but even those pages have a long shadow of various shades of PS Malik. There are some other areas where we have borrowed something from his resource personality.

Let us begin …

The website:

The Blogs:

All Articles:

Shreyas Malik

My Website is

My Blogs are at Blogs

My other Website is

Posted via email from Pratap's posterous

Thursday, December 17, 2009

PS Malik speaks on: Tips to make female workers more efficient!

Tips to make female workers more efficient!


They are known for gossiping in the office and spend a lot of time in the loo, but when it comes to getting work from the female employees, a lot has to be kept in mind.


1.           Pick young, married women. They are more responsible, less flirtatious, need the work and still have the pep and interest to work hard and deal with the public efficiently.

2.           Where you have to use older women, try to get ones who have worked outside the home. Women who have never contacted the public are inclined to be fussy and cantankerous. It's always well to impress upon them the importance of friendliness and courtesy.

3.           Experience indicates that "husky" girls – just a little on the heavy side – are more even-tempered and efficient.

4.           Retain a physician to give each woman you hire a special physical examination, covering female conditions. This protects against lawsuits and reveals any weaknesses that would make her mentally or physically unfit for the job. 

For the complete article visit:

Tips to make female workers more efficient!

Shreyas Malik

My Website is

My Blogs.

Posted via email from Pratap's posterous

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

PS Malik speaks on: Dealing With Your Ex Partner

Dealing With Your Ex Partner

One of the most difficult parts of overcoming relationship breakups is to just get through the day. Even the simplest chores can seem to be impossible to do. Your body systems are stressed from the emotional overload and you may seem to have no energy at all. You find yourself wondering if this will ever end.

Life is not over, far from it. The pain you feel right now won't last forever, but it may take longer to get through it than you'd like to. If you take it slowly, one day at a time, overcoming a relationship breakup will be easier. With time, the pain will ease up and you will find yourself a little stronger, hopefully a bit wiser, and better prepared to face the future. That isn't necessarily a bad thing, right?

Have you just gone through a break up and wondering how to get your Ex back? Most people who have gone through a break up work on moving on from the relationship but in many cases it is possible to work towards getting back with an Ex. If you are prepared to put in some work rather than play a victim role, it is possible to rekindle a relationship.

Relationship break ups happen for many reasons, it could be a single event or over time due to behaviours your Ex could not deal with any longer. Taking some time to examine where the relationship started to go wrong helps you to discover how to deal with the specific incidents should they come up again. You can get your Ex back but you need to want to make the relationship work on a long term basis and to do that you need to understand what went wrong the first time around.

This period of introspection does not mean you should beat yourself up and get depressed. We cannot change the past but we can learn from mistakes we made during and use the knowledge to help reconcile a broken relationship.

You should also work on your self confidence and self esteem. After a relationship break up it is natural to feel you cannot live without the ex partner and spiral into negative behaviours and attitudes. If your Ex sees you as desperate or needy they likely will not be open to the possibility of renewing the relationship. Do not hide away from the world, go out, socialize and network. By appearing confident and able to cope on your own you will have a better chance of getting back together with your Ex.

Dealing With Your Ex Partner

Shreyas Malik

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PS Malik speaks on: Male needs Polygyny, Man finds Monogamy II (Solution Part)

Male needs Polygyny, Man finds Monogamy II (Solution Part)

This article is the sequel of

Male Needs Polygyny, Man Finds Monogamy I (Problem Part)

It has been seen through researches [(Jennions, M. D. & Petrie, M. (2000) Biol. Rev. 75, 21–64) and (KATHARINA FOERSTER, KASPAR DELHEY, ARILD JOHNSEN, JAN T. LIFJELD & BART KEMPENAERS] that Polygyny is a default mating system for all primates including humans. Due to cultural development the males and females in human society agreed to abdicate a part of their individual rights. Females wanted a partner who was willing to share the parenting responsibilities. The male on the other hand wanted a dedicated female who was available to him as per wish and who could guarantee the loyalty and the paternity of her offspring.

This agreement was for the convenience of both the males and the females. But it could not change the males Biologically. It could not change them from what they were created by the raw nature. Otherwise also the forced values are never sufficient to curb the basic instincts (see Spirituality is not the Morality).

In the lower form of life or the primitive societies a male had to dance before a female. Subsequently the male started showing body traits like moustache, strong muscles or valiant behaviors.  But in all these traits there was a possibility of serious injuries and fatal incidents. Intellectually developed male replaced all the show of might to a show of wealth. Now in the civilized world the most sophisticated method of attracting female’s attraction is the show of wealth by the males.

A kings or wealthy individual may marry many wives because of his high status in society and his ability to maintain multiple wives and their needs. This system is evident in Arab cultures where men have the right to marry multiple women but only the wealthy ones have many wives. The Chinese also allow multiple marriages among their nobility. These harems are guarded and protected not by the head husband personally but through some castrated men that have been hired for this very purpose. The alpha male cannot take a risk of having his wives impregnated by other men. In any such incidents the penalty inflicted is the most severe for an offender.

For complete article please visit:

Male needs Polygyny, Man finds Monogamy II (Solution Part)

Shreyas Malik

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Posted via email from Pratap's posterous

Sunday, December 13, 2009

PS Malik speaks on: Male needs Polygyny, Man finds Monogamy I

Male needs Polygyny, Man finds Monogamy I

Human race was evolved biologically and then it raised itself culturally. Doctrines, morals, ethics, laws etc. are all part of this culture which the human race has developed. But different localities developed their cultures differently. They have variations.

The manner of procreation is one such area where this diversity is more noticeable. In defining and reshaping the better and appropriate mode of natural and non artificial mode of procreation we have to delve into the psyche of human beings as a species rather than as a political entity.

Politically there is no difference between a man and a woman. They both have rights to cast equal votes and perform same or similar political objectives. But some people, after starting it from this political equality have stretched it too far. They want to undo all the difference between man and woman even that difference is far beyond the political domain. For example, despite being of different physical structure and mental psyche woman was forced to pursue a political slogan and were asked to do the same things as a man used to do by his very nature.

There are so many areas of such forced compulsions. It is not possible to deal with all of them here in this small article. For the purpose only one such area is chosen and that is – procreation.

There are so many aspects of procreation also. Culturally in Hindu mythology before creating this world Lord Brahma created five mental creations i.e. Sanak, Sanandan, Sanat, Sanatan and Ribhu Kumar. These were determination, joy, authenticity, continuity and the effort. In fact these were the five broad principles on which this world was later created by him. Out of these five basic principles the second is joy. If Sanatan (i.e. the procreation) is not coupled with Sanandan (i.e. the joy) then this would have been a mistake of the Nature and the population of this world would have not increased so smoothly.

Similar parables are there in Christian mythology where the Adam and Eve were blessed with the joy (apple) and temptation for the continuity (the Satan). They had temptation to have joy and procreate. All cultures had attached joy with procreation in one or the other forms.

Some anthropologists contend that this was merely a manifestation of a physically existing fact in nature. But this epistemological discussion is not the objective here. The objective is to implore the Biological truth behind these cultural metaphors. This article seeks to delve into an area of human existence where this Political Entity “Man” is a Biological Being “Male”; where the Political Entity “Woman” is a Biological Being “Female”; and where this Cultural Process of “Procreation” is called Evolutionary Compulsion “Mating”.

For the complete article please visit:

Male needs Polygyny, Man finds Monogamy I

Shreyas Malik

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PS Malik speaks on: Fasting is a Torture

Fasting is a Torture

Religions have been telling people, “Fast and that will purify you.” If that is true, then the starving millions of the world will be the most pure people. Then don’t help them! Don’t make them impure! Let them starve and die; they are the most virtuous people in the world. But it has no relationship.

To destroy evil, all kinds of idiotic things have been suggested. They have to be idiotic because there is no evil in the first place, so whatever you suggest is going to be meaningless, irrelevant.

You need not torture yourself, because by torturing you cannot transform yourself. You need not stand on your head and do Yoga postures, distorting your body this way and that way. If you are preparing for a circus, that is another thing, but if all these Yoga practitioners reach heaven, then God must be surrounded by a continuous circus — all over paradise people are doing strange and distorting things.

Yoga cannot purify you. It may give you better health. I am in absolute support of Yoga as being part of gymnasiums, but not as part of temples. In the gymnasium it has a contribution to make. It can give you better health, longer life; it can prevent many possible diseases; it can cure many diseases that are already with you. But it cannot transform that which is not-good into good, because it cannot give you awareness.

To read the complete article click

Fasting is a Torture

Shreyas Malik

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Posted via email from Pratap's posterous

PS Malik speaks on: Who is the Biggest - Me, My Mind or My God?

Who is the biggest Me, My Mind or My God?

This is a question you generally ask. You want to know the hierarchy; you want to know your position in the hierarchy so that you become satisfied. Others also ask it. They ask because they are not satisfied with what they know about it. They want to remove their dissatisfaction. They are dissatisfied with them and their information about their place. They have disturbance in them; in their minds. They invoke God just to inflate their status. God is merely an excuse. They want to give credence to their disturbance. They want either to repel the inconvenient part of their knowledge or they want a support to the convenient portion of their fumbling knowledge. But they want to know.

A good number of you claim that they know that they are an atman – a soul. They know that there is a God. They know that the God is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. They learnt doctrines. On any availability of a chance you can speak a lot about you, your atman, your mind and your God. More learned you are more equipped you are to tell about you, your atman, your God and other related things and ideas.

On the other hand some of you know that you are a physical body; well proportionate mixture of chemicals which in their particular proportion create a sensation of self perception. You know hundreds of books on this aspect and further thousands of articles telling about the cosmological theories of celestial bodies. You claim to know the permutation of the celestial bodies, gravitational pull among them, conversion of celestial dust into white dwarf stars or the supernova via the state of being a star. You have theories in support of each of your arguments.

There are some others amongst you who are well indoctrinated about amino acids, developmental chronology of organic process on the planet earth, chromosomes, genes and a scores of concepts which were written by their predecessor colleagues in library books.

You know yourself either as a spirit i.e. atman or you know yourself as a physical body. Some of you might be knowing yourself as a combination of both of the atman and the body. Some others of you would be knowing yourself as a psychosomatic entity. Still some more among are possible who would be knowing yourself in some other ways, other permutations or combinations. Whatever form of yourself you know is an information based knowledge; a knowledge of yourself. You have a knowledge of yourself as you have the knowledge of parks in your locality, as you have the knowledge of rivers in a particular state or the knowledge of human skeleton as given in the books of biology. Your this knowledge flows from the information you receive. You know a fact on the basis of an information as it is made available to you. Please take notice that you know these facts of information as these are made available to you. You have not generated this knowledge. You have merely received an information from those to whom you appreciate and respect for their knowledge. But their knowledge is again a bundle of informations as it was yours. The only difference is the number of sticks in that bundle; the number of informations in that knowledge.

For complete article please visit:

Who is the biggest Me, My Mind or My God?

Shreyas Malik

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My Blogs are at Blogs

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Posted via email from Pratap's posterous

PS Malik speaks on: Who is the biggest Me, My Mind or My God?

Who is the biggest Me, My Mind or My God?

This is a question you generally ask. You want to know the hierarchy; you want to know your position in the hierarchy so that you become satisfied. Others also ask it. They ask because they are not satisfied with what they know about it. They want to remove their dissatisfaction. They are dissatisfied with them and their information about their place. They have disturbance in them; in their minds. They invoke God just to inflate their status. God is merely an excuse. They want to give credence to their disturbance. They want either to repel the inconvenient part of their knowledge or they want a support to the convenient portion of their fumbling knowledge. But they want to know.

A good number of you claim that they know that they are an atman – a soul. They know that there is a God. They know that the God is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. They learnt doctrines. On any availability of a chance you can speak a lot about you, your atman, your mind and your God. More learned you are more equipped you are to tell about you, your atman, your God and other related things and ideas.

On the other hand some of you know that you are a physical body; well proportionate mixture of chemicals which in their particular proportion create a sensation of self perception. You know hundreds of books on this aspect and further thousands of articles telling about the cosmological theories of celestial bodies. You claim to know the permutation of the celestial bodies, gravitational pull among them, conversion of celestial dust into white dwarf stars or the supernova via the state of being a star. You have theories in support of each of your arguments.

There are some others amongst you who are well indoctrinated about amino acids, developmental chronology of organic process on the planet earth, chromosomes, genes and a scores of concepts which were written by their predecessor colleagues in library books.

You know yourself either as a spirit i.e. atman or you know yourself as a physical body. Some of you might be knowing yourself as a combination of both of the atman and the body. Some others of you would be knowing yourself as a psychosomatic entity. Still some more among are possible who would be knowing yourself in some other ways, other permutations or combinations. Whatever form of yourself you know is an information based knowledge; a knowledge of yourself. You have a knowledge of yourself as you have the knowledge of parks in your locality, as you have the knowledge of rivers in a particular state or the knowledge of human skeleton as given in the books of biology. Your this knowledge flows from the information you receive. You know a fact on the basis of an information as it is made available to you. Please take notice that you know these facts of information as these are made available to you. You have not generated this knowledge. You have merely received an information from those to whom you appreciate and respect for their knowledge. But their knowledge is again a bundle of informations as it was yours. The only difference is the number of sticks in that bundle; the number of informations in that knowledge.

For complete article please visit:

Who is the biggest Me, My Mind or My God?

Shreyas Malik

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Saturday, December 12, 2009

PS Malik speaks on: Living Life and Death Both

Living Life and Death Both

It looks absurd. It looks strange. It looks bizarre. Asking one to live life is unusual and it sounds weird. Every one will contend that he is living his life. He is eating, breathing and moving. This shows that life is being lived.

Here is a mistake. Living of life is being inferred from the food eaten, the oxygen inhaled and the distance moved. Life is being inferred from the lifeless entities. The life is being deduced from the non living beings. Something is wrong somewhere.

Most of the persons are lost. They are lost in thoughts of the things around them. They are filled with the thoughts of the things around them. They have thoughts of roads, planes, rivers, boss, money, God, peace and so many other things. In these thoughts they are lost. They are not there inside them. For details see “Imprisoned by Thoughts”.

Most of the people spend their lives without identifying them. Identifying them is nothing to do with spirituality. It is nothing related to sciences or religion. It is a merely first hand experience of oneself. Most of the people do not have a first hand experience of their own.

People do not come in their own contact. They do never see that they exist. They keep flowing out of them. They keep flowing out round the clock. They are never directed towards themselves. They do not talk to themselves. They do not listen to themselves. They keep their eyes and ears close for their existence.

The meeting of one with oneself is nothing difficult. It is the easiest thing one can do. People spend their lives to know others. They do not pay a few moments to know themselves. Some of the people may have some objections here. They may contend that they know their limbs, skin, face, internal organs, heart, lungs and one hundred other things about their body. They claim to know them. They utter that they can prove their awakening.

For complete article click:

Living Life and Death Both

Shreyas Malik

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PS Malik speaks on: Tips to make female workers more efficient!

Tips to make female workers more efficient!


They are known for gossiping in the office and spend a lot of time in the loo, but when it comes to getting work from the female employees, a lot has to be kept in mind.


1.           Pick young, married women. They are more responsible, less flirtatious, need the work and still have the pep and interest to work hard and deal with the public efficiently.

2.           Where you have to use older women, try to get ones who have worked outside the home. Women who have never contacted the public are inclined to be fussy and cantankerous. It's always well to impress upon them the importance of friendliness and courtesy.

3.           Experience indicates that "husky" girls – just a little on the heavy side – are more even-tempered and efficient.

4.           Retain a physician to give each woman you hire a special physical examination, covering female conditions. This protects against lawsuits and reveals any weaknesses that would make her mentally or physically unfit for the job. 

For the complete article visit:

Tips to make female workers more efficient!

Shreyas Malik

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Do Attractive Women Always Get the Man?

Do Attractive Women Always Get the Man?


It's a dating myth that the more physically attractive you are to a man, the more a man will want you in his life. THE REAL TRUTH IS;

The less you care about how physically attractive you are to a man, the more a man will want you in his life.

How much does the way you look matter to you? Do you want to make men crazy with desire for you? Your appearance may initially attract a man to you, but it won't guarantee he'll stick around. There are many beautiful, single women who aren't in a relationship and find it difficult to find a man who wants to commit to them exclusively, and the reason is this:


Men are attracted emotionally to women who do not care how physically attractive a man thinks they look


Women who need attention and praise from a man to feel beautiful are women men do not pursue for anything other than sexual fulfillment. So why then, do men seem so obsessed with how attractive a woman is and stare at attractive women all the time?

Why do men seem so obsessed with a woman's appearance?

For complete article visit:

Do Attractive Women Always Get the Man?

Shreyas Malik

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Posted via email from Pratap's posterous

Friday, December 11, 2009

PS Malik speaks on: Understanding the Reptilian Mind

Understanding the Reptilian Mind

He tells it on the basis of a case study:

… biting, clawing, kidnapping, restraining, ritualistic sex torture and murder are behaviors which reptilians and reptilian controlled serial sex offenders mentally confuse with what we call SEX… (from this article)

"David" told me that the reptilians began to work on him when he was in the midst of a deep depression.

First he began to have thoughts about harming his own beloved cat. Different methods of killing and maiming the cat went through his mind including flushing it down the toilet and breaking its legs and mutilating it.

At first he began having fantasies about clawing his girlfriend during sex. He said he actually felt as if HE HAD CLAWS. He would fantasize about slashing women with "his" own claws or with broken glass. Later he imagined and thought constantly about harming and killing women in horrible ways.

He said he would find himself in a dreamscape scenario where he was just about to engage in sexual intercourse with what he perceived to be a human female.

While he and his girlfriend were trying to work through his problem, he began to have sadistic thoughts and mental imagery both in the dreamscape as well as in waking consciousness. As time went by these thoughts became more and more sadistic. He became consumed with the desire to bite, claw and kill his girlfriend during the sex act.

It is important to understand that biting, clawing, kidnapping, restraining, ritualistic sex torture and murder are behaviors which reptilians and reptilian controlled serial sex offenders mentally confuse with what we call SEX. To them all of these heinous crimes are part and parcel of sexual activity.

To read the complete article please visit

Understanding the Reptilian Mind

Shreyas Malik

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PS Malik speaks on: A BANANA IS WHAT I NEED


Containing three natural sugars - sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber, a banana gives an instant, sustained and substantial boost of energy. Research has proven that just two bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout. No wonder the banana is the number one fruit with the world's leading athletes. But energy isn't the only way a banana can help us keep fit. It can also help overcome or prevent a substantial number of illnesses and conditions, making it a must to add to our daily diet.



According to a recent survey undertaken by MIND amongst people suffering from depression, many felt much better after eating a banana. This is because bananas contain tryptophan, a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin, known to make you relax, improve your mood and generally make you feel happier.



Forget the pills - eat a banana. The vitamin B6 it contains regulates blood glucose levels, which can affect your mood.



High in iron, bananas can stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood and so helps in cases of anemia.


Blood Pressure

This unique tropical fruit is extremely high in potassium yet low in salt, making it the perfect to beat blood pressure.

So much so, the US Food and Drug Administration has just allowed the banana industry to make official claims for the fruit's ability to reduce the risk of blood pressure and stroke


Brain Power

200 students at a Twickenham (Middlesex) school were helped through their exams this year by eating bananas at breakfast, break, and lunch in a bid to boost their brain power. Research has shown that the potassium-packed fruit can assist learning by making pupils more alert.

For complete article click:


Shreyas Malik

My Website is

My Blogs are at Blogs

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Posted via email from Pratap's posterous

PS Malik speaks on: VIGYAN BHAIRAV – THE GATE (Hindi)

 विज्ञानभैरव  एक मुक्ति द्वार

PS Malik speaks on: VIGYAN BHAIRAV – THE GATE (Hindi)

आज का समय सपनों का समय है। हर एक व्यक्ति ने एक स्वप्न पाल रखा है। वह व्यक्ति उस स्वप्न के पीछे पड़ा है। स्वप्न जागने और सोने के बीच का समय होता है। स्वप्न न तो पूरी तरह जागरण होता है और न पूरी तरह सुषुप्ति होता है। स्वप्न जागरण और सुषुप्ति का संक्रमण काल है। जागरण और सषुप्ति की सांध्यवेला को स्वप्न कहा गया है। यही स्वप्न की मोहकता है कि इसमें जागरण का यथार्थ और सुषुप्ति की मूर्छा दोनों नहीं हैं परन्तु जागरण की अनुभूति और सुषुप्ति की विश्रांति दोनों इसमें हैं। 

आज मनुष्य का मन व्यथित है । वह आराम नहीं कर पाता है। मोबाईल की घंटी बजकर नींद तोड़ देती है। न बजे तो भी नींद नहीं आती कि पता नहीं क्यों नहीं बज रही हैइतनी देर में तो बहुत बार बज जाया करती थी । न घंटी बजने से चैन है और न ही न बजने से ।मन दुविधा से भरा है । नींद आ भी गई तो सो नहीं पा रहा है। सोते समय भी दफ़्तरटैंडरकाऊन्टरबॉसटारगेट सब मौजूद हैं। स्वप्न में माल का ऑर्डर भिजवाया जा रहा है। मुनीम का चेहरा दिखाई दे रहा है। नींद उचट रही है। निद्रा मे जागरण घुस गया है। जब सोते समय सो नहीं पाया तो जागते समय जाग भी नहीं पाता है। अधूरी नींद लिये टारगेट पूरा करने के लिये दौड़ पड़ता है। टारगेट सोने नहीं देता हैनींद जागने नहीं देती है। सब कुछ घालमेल हो जाता है। आज का मनुष्य न जागता है न सोता है। जागने और सोने के बीच का स्थान स्वप्न का है। आज का मनुष्य स्वप्न में जीवित है। परन्तु यह स्वप्न यथार्थ और मूर्छा वाला है चेतना और विश्राँति वाला नहीं है।

ज्ञानी जन कहते हैं कि यह बाजार का कमाल है। बाजार ने मनुष्य का चैन छीन लिया है। राम और आराम - दोनों बाजार में गुम हो गये हैं। बाजार जहाँ कम्पीटीशन हैचालबाजी हैफ़रेब है और माया है। बाजार में पलंग तो दिखाई देता है पर नींद नहीं दिखती। मनोरंजन की टिकट तो मिलती है पर सुकून नहीं मिलता । बाजार में भोजन और स्वाद तो उपलब्ध हैं परन्तु तृप्ति नहीं मिलती। वासना की दुकानें तो हैं पर प्रेम का कोई ठीया नहीं मिलता । नींदसुकूनतृप्तिप्रेमभक्ति  – ये सब मनुष्य के लिये मनुष्य होने की शर्त हैं परन्तु ये सब बाजार में नहीं मिलते । सिर में राख डाले आज का मनुष्य इन्हें ढूँढता फिर रहा है। ढूँढ नहीं पाता है – यही उसकी समस्या है।

हल ढूँढने के दो रास्ते हैं। पहला योग का है जो कहता है कि बाजार छोड़ दो – आपको रामआराम और शांति सब मिल जाएगा। विडम्बना है कि बाजार को छोड़ने का ‘काम सिखाने वाले’ अपनी अपनी दुकानें इसी बाजार में खोले बैठे हैं। किसी के काऊन्टर पर आसनों की तख्ती लगी है तो किसी के शो केस में प्राणायाम  के कसरती रूप सजे धरे हैं।

दूसरा रास्ता बाजार से होकर जाता है। यह भैरव तंत्र का रास्ता है । आधुनिक विज्ञान इसे समझने में मदद कर सकता है। इसे समझने से पहले इसकी कार्यविधि समझनी जरूरी है। विज्ञान के अनुसार अस्तित्त्व द्विध्रुवीय (Bipolar) है। यहाँ कण है तो उसका प्रतिकण भी है। मैटर है तो एण्टीमैटर भी है। समस्त अस्तित्त्व को लील सकने वाला ब्लैक होल है तो अस्तित्त्व की उत्पत्ति करने वाला व्हाईट होल भी है। यहाँ भाव और अभाव कामैटर और एण्टीमैटर काप्रकाश और अँधकार काधर्म और अधर्म कापाप और पुण्य का साथ साथ अस्तित्त्व है। अस्तित्त्व और अनस्तित्त्व इस जगत में दोनों एक साथ हैं। विज्ञान कहता है कि यदि सारा अस्तित्त्व होल के एक सिरे (ब्लैक) पर अनस्तित्त्व हो जाता है तो होल के ही दूसरे सिरे (व्हाईट) पर अनस्तित्त्व से अस्तित्त्व भी उद्भूत होगा। ऐसा होता भी है। भैरव तंत्र कहता है कि यदि मनुष्य का स्व बाजार में कहीं विलीन हो गया है तो बाजार में ही वह अवतरित भी होगा। जागृति यदि बाजार में गुम हुई है तो बाजार ही उसे ढूँढने का उपाय भी होगा।

For complete article click:

विज्ञानभैरव एक मुक्ति द्वार


Shreyas Malik

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 विज्ञानभैरव  एक मुक्ति द्वार

आज का समय सपनों का समय है। हर एक व्यक्ति ने एक स्वप्न पाल रखा है। वह व्यक्ति उस स्वप्न के पीछे पड़ा है। स्वप्न जागने और सोने के बीच का समय होता है। स्वप्न न तो पूरी तरह जागरण होता है और न पूरी तरह सुषुप्ति होता है। स्वप्न जागरण और सुषुप्ति का संक्रमण काल है। जागरण और सषुप्ति की सांध्यवेला को स्वप्न कहा गया है। यही स्वप्न की मोहकता है कि इसमें जागरण का यथार्थ और सुषुप्ति की मूर्छा दोनों नहीं हैं परन्तु जागरण की अनुभूति और सुषुप्ति की विश्रांति दोनों इसमें हैं। 

आज मनुष्य का मन व्यथित है । वह आराम नहीं कर पाता है। मोबाईल की घंटी बजकर नींद तोड़ देती है। न बजे तो भी नींद नहीं आती कि पता नहीं क्यों नहीं बज रही हैइतनी देर में तो बहुत बार बज जाया करती थी । न घंटी बजने से चैन है और न ही न बजने से ।मन दुविधा से भरा है । नींद आ भी गई तो सो नहीं पा रहा है। सोते समय भी दफ़्तरटैंडरकाऊन्टरबॉसटारगेट सब मौजूद हैं। स्वप्न में माल का ऑर्डर भिजवाया जा रहा है। मुनीम का चेहरा दिखाई दे रहा है। नींद उचट रही है। निद्रा मे जागरण घुस गया है। जब सोते समय सो नहीं पाया तो जागते समय जाग भी नहीं पाता है। अधूरी नींद लिये टारगेट पूरा करने के लिये दौड़ पड़ता है। टारगेट सोने नहीं देता हैनींद जागने नहीं देती है। सब कुछ घालमेल हो जाता है। आज का मनुष्य न जागता है न सोता है। जागने और सोने के बीच का स्थान स्वप्न का है। आज का मनुष्य स्वप्न में जीवित है। परन्तु यह स्वप्न यथार्थ और मूर्छा वाला है चेतना और विश्राँति वाला नहीं है।

ज्ञानी जन कहते हैं कि यह बाजार का कमाल है। बाजार ने मनुष्य का चैन छीन लिया है। राम और आराम - दोनों बाजार में गुम हो गये हैं। बाजार जहाँ कम्पीटीशन हैचालबाजी हैफ़रेब है और माया है। बाजार में पलंग तो दिखाई देता है पर नींद नहीं दिखती। मनोरंजन की टिकट तो मिलती है पर सुकून नहीं मिलता । बाजार में भोजन और स्वाद तो उपलब्ध हैं परन्तु तृप्ति नहीं मिलती। वासना की दुकानें तो हैं पर प्रेम का कोई ठीया नहीं मिलता । नींदसुकूनतृप्तिप्रेमभक्ति  – ये सब मनुष्य के लिये मनुष्य होने की शर्त हैं परन्तु ये सब बाजार में नहीं मिलते । सिर में राख डाले आज का मनुष्य इन्हें ढूँढता फिर रहा है। ढूँढ नहीं पाता है – यही उसकी समस्या है।

हल ढूँढने के दो रास्ते हैं। पहला योग का है जो कहता है कि बाजार छोड़ दो – आपको रामआराम और शांति सब मिल जाएगा। विडम्बना है कि बाजार को छोड़ने का ‘काम सिखाने वाले’ अपनी अपनी दुकानें इसी बाजार में खोले बैठे हैं। किसी के काऊन्टर पर आसनों की तख्ती लगी है तो किसी के शो केस में प्राणायाम  के कसरती रूप सजे धरे हैं।

दूसरा रास्ता बाजार से होकर जाता है। यह भैरव तंत्र का रास्ता है । आधुनिक विज्ञान इसे समझने में मदद कर सकता है। इसे समझने से पहले इसकी कार्यविधि समझनी जरूरी है। विज्ञान के अनुसार अस्तित्त्व द्विध्रुवीय (Bipolar) है। यहाँ कण है तो उसका प्रतिकण भी है। मैटर है तो एण्टीमैटर भी है। समस्त अस्तित्त्व को लील सकने वाला ब्लैक होल है तो अस्तित्त्व की उत्पत्ति करने वाला व्हाईट होल भी है। यहाँ भाव और अभाव कामैटर और एण्टीमैटर काप्रकाश और अँधकार काधर्म और अधर्म कापाप और पुण्य का साथ साथ अस्तित्त्व है। अस्तित्त्व और अनस्तित्त्व इस जगत में दोनों एक साथ हैं। विज्ञान कहता है कि यदि सारा अस्तित्त्व होल के एक सिरे (ब्लैक) पर अनस्तित्त्व हो जाता है तो होल के ही दूसरे सिरे (व्हाईट) पर अनस्तित्त्व से अस्तित्त्व भी उद्भूत होगा। ऐसा होता भी है। भैरव तंत्र कहता है कि यदि मनुष्य का स्व बाजार में कहीं विलीन हो गया है तो बाजार में ही वह अवतरित भी होगा। जागृति यदि बाजार में गुम हुई है तो बाजार ही उसे ढूँढने का उपाय भी होगा।

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