Thursday, September 10, 2009

About Me

I was born in a farmer family of Uttar Pradesh. Though my father was a teacher and he shifted to Delhi from his village but that shift always remained a notional one. Six days prior to any vacation – always start packing your luggage to go to village for the next week, was the hallmark of my childhood. And this was also a quotient of our family attachment to our village or more correctly our roots.

I always preferred identifying myself as a ‘Gaanv ka Aadmi’ i.e. a villager. And I did it proudly. After my completion of 8th class from a school in another village, situated about 7 km away from our village I joined my Delhi school in 9th class. That was the beginning of the first morphing in my life. Here onwards, I started participating mentally in this world, while prior to that, I simply used to exist spiritually and physically.

I would like to write a few words on this spiritual aspect of my existence right from the childhood. My maternal grandfathers provided me a necessary infrastructure in the very beginning say at the age of about 4 or 5 years. By the age of 8 to 10 years I went through most of the Indian sacred scriptures including Riğved, Upanishads, Riğved Bhashya Bhumika, Satyarthparkash, Most of the Purañas, Mythical history about Ancient India, Ramayaña and Mahabharata. The books which I liked the most were Mahabharata, Satyarthparkash and Kaŧhopnishad. Probably I could orally recite long stanzas from Mahabharata.

This opened a new horizon of duality before me. Later I found this duality at various levels – e.g. the duality of living and non – living beings, duality of body and mind, the duality of conduct of people, duality of mind also, duality of words and actions and lot more kinds of dualities. At that time as a boy of 8-10 years I did only observe that duality. To a great extent of possibility I did not understand that. I understood it about 30 years later at the stage of my second transformation when I started only witnessing me and the entities around me.

If a person is at a particular level of personality formation (because every person does not possess a personality) then he is there as a result of various inputs. My mother made me. My wife maintained me. Had my mother not been in charge of my childhood I would have not been what I am. She is there and will remain there in the tiniest point of mine. She would live in me as long as I live because I am only a small part of her. She carved me out of her mental dimensions. The greatest blessings this universe blessed upon me has been the lap of my mother. That is beyond knowledge and comprehension. Being blessed and blissed in my mother’s lap I visualized it for the first time that the languages are not capable of communicating all truths.

After coming to a level it is always an issue to stay there and not to fizzle out therefrom. And my wife maintained me there, where my mother told me after my preparation that I was equipped enough to live boundlessly. My wife sublimed herself. She sublimed herself just to keep me as me. Certainly she is a culmination of her family traditions and takes her share when I bow before that tradition to have gifted me such a nice life partner. I aspire for her for all the futures imagined.

This universal process keeps proceeding in a cyclic way (some western thinkers may have objection on the word “cyclic” but that will be discussed elsewhere in this website). While paying off our Pitŗ Riña (a debt owed to forefathers) I and my wife educed two small buds. They are pleasing. It is blissful to see them blooming.


When someone starts one’s personal website he is always encountered with a dilemma as to what to put on board because it is not subject specific it is a person specific. Western traditions allow one to inflate one’s aura to an extent to a limit wherever it is suitable but Indian customs assail it as being self bragging.

I have been nurtured by the Indian traditions and educated by the western Ideologies therefore it is deemed proper not to give any of my direct account. It should be completely left to the visitors to assess the writer of these lines.

But this is again subject to another cultural rider which I put here in the words of a Great Scholar of Prakrit Language Acharya Hemchandra:

In the following pages we will be discussing everything from the level of an individual to that of the Cosmos. We will be assimilating whatever new and energetic is encountered on the way.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009



I'll be back soon.